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Showing posts from 2008

Holiday Humbug

Dear readers, Yes ... it is that time of the year again, where enterprising businessmen take advantage of unsuspecting holiday makers with silly trinkets and bogus sales. Christmas deco at the Curve It is sad how commercialized Christmas has become, with the whole Santa Clause gimmick. Well, I know for certain that he is just a fat guy in a suit. Just so you know, Christmas is about Jesus Christ and Him alone. Anyway, I was going through the internet and found this article about the origin of "the angel" on top of the christmas tree that I thought would make quite an interesting convesation during parties, aside from the weather of course. Enjoy! The Angel Not long ago and far away, Santa was getting ready for his annual trip, but there were problems everywhere. Four of his elves got sick and the trainee elves did not produce the toys as fast as the sick elves. Santa was begiining to feel the pressure of being behind schedule. Then Mrs. Clause told Santa that her mum was go...

Reflections & Resolutions

Dear readers, It is that time of the year once again. It is like having a mid life crisis or perhaps in this case a quarter of a century life crisis. Did I just float along with life? Or did I ardently pursue a path? I just went with the former. I have lost a number of things this year. I have lost my passion for the many things of God. The events in life have left my soul weary and downcast. Tell me, where do you draw the line between compassion and pity, respect and expectations, love and duty, obedience and sacrifice? I do wonder if my heart has grown cold and numb. Have I compromised my walk with God? Did I let the distractions pull away my focus? I think love is not loud but silent, deep and strong. And very often it would leave you burnt and alone because love is selfless. Yes, love hurts. Perhaps I should save myself the trouble and heartache and just walk the other way. But how can I deny Him, having experienced His love? I cannot let go of my God. And my resolutions? To pursue...


Dear readers, Ever had one of those days when you just feel like crap? Well, today is such a day for me. I woke up moderately early and prepared to go to work. After donning on my work attire, I just sat on my bed and zoned out for 5 minutes. I imagined having difficulty in breathing and a myriad of other tropical diseases. It's amazing what the power of your mind can do to your body. The next minute, I messaged my team lead and told her that I won't be coming in as I was not feeling well. There was not much to do at work anyway! I then spent the day sleeping. I was exhausted for pete's sake! I woke up at 1, made lunch and idly passed the time reading a book. At around 5, my cousin came back and asked if I would like to follow her to watch "The Showdown of Champions" in Bukit Jalil Stadium. Hell yea!! We got dressed and headed to Masjid Jamek by 5 p.m to avoid the "working crowd" rush. We then waited for another hardworking cousin who needless to say, go...

Lecka Lecka

Dear readers, If you have tasted the mango yoghurt ice cream in Mango Mania and thought it was good, well, I have news for you: go out and explore dude! Yes, there is a better one. Where? Lecka leckha of course! Price: only RM6.90. It taste like real mango and I am not freaking kidding or exaggerating. They probably took a mango, pureed it and then froze it. Simply awesome! :D Their sorbet comes in a variety of flavor, some yummy ones being passion fruit, watermelon, strawberry, lime and of course mango. They also have other sinful flavors like oreos, cookies n’ cream … well you get the drift. (clockwise from the right) Watermelon, Passion Fruit, Mango Satisfied patron Another satisfied patron slightly whoozie from the shisa smoke

Artsy Wartsy

Dear readers, I must beg your pardon. This might be a sight of me that you have never seen. I was taken by a whim. Yes, I was overwhelmed by a sudden urge to draw that I offered to help my cousin design a birthday card for her friend. FOR FREE!! I must have been struck with temporary insanity. Front Inside Ah boy, I sure miss drawing! But I need a project ... hmmm ...

My Day Off (Day 02) - Digging for the truth

Dear readers, No doubt, Day 01 had been quite eventful, to a point that it even made me reflect on my insurance policy and coverage. As such, I decided to take it a little easy on Day 02. You know, do a little digging in the backyard perhaps. Inspired mainly by the show "Digging for the truth", I set out with my shovel and chisel. Maybe I'd find some substantial discovery. Find a whole T-Rex. The magnitude of the discovery alone would bring me enough cash to settle my study loan, not to mentioned engrave my name forever in the folds history. I would call him Tibby, after a certain rat I have had the pleasure of making an aquaintance with, back home. Suffice to say, with the intense boredom and hours to kill, I skillfully carved at the cast. I dusted off the debris and after a good one hour, there it was, my fossil, for the world to behold and feast their beady little eyes on. A Spinosaurus FYI, in case you are worried if I might be losing it, please take comfort that thi...

My Day Off (Day 01) - Invite a friend for a dip in the pool

Dear readers, Have you ever been stumped on what to do on your day off, especially when you are completely broke to even consider a short vacation? Well, I was initially in this sad preposition when an old friend, Bartholomew dropped by. Now, you might probably know him better as Bart. If you don't, then might I suggest that you get a life and watch some TV for a change. Anyway, Bart is well known for his antics and bouts of mischief. So quite naturally, what started out as a day of chillin' in the tub, turned out to be a near death experience for Bart. Kids, don't try this at home. Warning: Viewer discretion advised. The next few photos might be disturbing. Bart chillin' in the tub Doin' some swimmin' The Tub Bart taking it up a notch by attempting a dive The plunge What a dive! Oh dear, he is in too deep Alarmingly lifeless in the tub Lifeguard doing CPR on Bart Please, do not be alarmed, my friends. I am happy to report that Bart is currently recupera...

Diwali! Diwali!

That's right ... time to hit the bazaar in KL Sentral! One of the most complex "kolum" I have ever seen I followed my cousins who were as eager as a couple of beavers to get henna done on their hands. It's the next best thing to a tattoo. It doesn't hurt and well it's not permanent. I was impressed by the henna artist not only because she is Malay but also because she actually spent some time in India to learn the art. And boy, she was good! Oh, and the price was reasonable too. Mi-San (RM 10) Some dude from China (RM 10) Ashi (RM 15) Mine (RM 5) Rina (RM 15) The groupie: Check 'em out!

Blood Donation (continuation)

Dear readers, This is it. The day I bleed for mankind. Now, in case you are wondering if I have somehow gotten myself involved in some demonic ritual involving bloody human sacrifices, let me assure you that there is no need for such panic. It is only a blood donation and the most they can get out of me is probably a pint of blood. I decided to go with a colleague of mine, who suffice to say, has done her fair bit for the blood bank. Eager Donor 01 (my colleague) Eager Donor 02 (that's me!) As you can see, I have a little bit of catching up to do. Anyway, while filling up the form, I realized that I could actually get rejected because of a tattoo I did in March. I consulted the doctor about this and she confirmed that it should not be a problem as it was 6 months ago. However, I was rejected because I took some medication for my asthma last week. I was officially out of the queue then. What a let down! Especially when I was so geared up for the whole event. Ah, another time perha...

Blood Donation

Dear readers, It was just another manic Tuesday when I received an email about a Blood Donation Drive at work. You know what they say, that “a picture tells a thousand words”. I personally agree with that statement myself. This is what I call powerful advertising. Simple and straight to the point I especially like the picture of the blood droplet with bulging biceps. Not only that, the pink shade also signifies a healthy complexion. This dude did not get his biceps by eating protein bars and pumping up irons in the gym. No way! He had definitely done it by donating blood. This has inspired me to be a donor as well. Well, I will keep you posted on the events on that day. See you soon.

A Day At The Fish Spa

Dear readers, No doubt, you would have heard tons of fascinating things about the new craze in town: the fish spa. What you are going to find out in the next few minutes would probably change your perspective of this new and trendy relaxation method. Well, it sure freaked me out. It was a typical Sunday evening, when one of my cousins suggested that we try something different for a change rather than just bumming around and watching You Tube like a bunch of Internet junkies. She heard from her friend's cousin's friend's boyfriend's sister that there is a newly opened fish spa near our apartment. She even got a coupon for a 15 minute free session, which fitted very well into our budget. So, we decided to give it a try. The location of the shop was pretty shady but the proprietor (Miss R) seemed friendly enough. She was actually inspired to start the fish spa after watching some loc als in the jungles of the Amazon perform their yearly ritual to appease the pagan river g...


Whoa ... I can't believe my last post was in 2006! A lot has happened since, some pleasant and well some downright nasty. I have finally passed my Computer Networks. Take that Mr. Sloppy Sadistic Lecturer! Ka -Pow! I got a job too, surprisingly, considering I just went for the interview dressed in a kurtha top and army pants, not forgetting the flip flops. What can I say... they must have been desperate to hire people! The job has been challenging so far but thoroughly interesting, so I can't really complain. Who would have thought that being a computer programmer can be addictive. Yes I am a workaholic. I have grown much in the relationship side of things as well. One important lesson learnt; people are highly unpredictable and as for loyalty and honour, the definition truly defers according to individuals and situations. I think its wise to keep your opinions of others only between you and God. Trust is a fragile thing. Once broken, you can never gain it back. As for resp...