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Lecka Lecka

Dear readers,

If you have tasted the mango yoghurt ice cream in Mango Mania and thought it was good, well, I have news for you: go out and explore dude! Yes, there is a better one. Where? Lecka leckha of course! Price: only RM6.90. It taste like real mango and I am not freaking kidding or exaggerating. They probably took a mango, pureed it and then froze it. Simply awesome! :D Their sorbet comes in a variety of flavor, some yummy ones being passion fruit, watermelon, strawberry, lime and of course mango. They also have other sinful flavors like oreos, cookies n’ cream … well you get the drift.

(clockwise from the right)

Watermelon, Passion Fruit, Mango

Satisfied patron

Another satisfied patron slightly whoozie from the shisa smoke


cath said…
oooo...rach is sooooo gonna kill you :p
Anonymous said…
yea..i'm definitely gonna kill you..

i look like a fish!!! hmm probably too much of watermelon sorbet!!but it was sooooo nice

-rach molu
mEeRa said…
i get you another one kay :)

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