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My Day Off (Day 01) - Invite a friend for a dip in the pool

Dear readers,

Have you ever been stumped on what to do on your day off, especially when you are completely broke to even consider a short vacation? Well, I was initially in this sad preposition when an old friend, Bartholomew dropped by. Now, you might probably know him better as Bart. If you don't, then might I suggest that you get a life and watch some TV for a change. Anyway, Bart is well known for his antics and bouts of mischief. So quite naturally, what started out as a day of chillin' in the tub, turned out to be a near death experience for Bart. Kids, don't try this at home.

Warning: Viewer discretion advised. The next few photos might be disturbing.

Bart chillin' in the tub

Doin' some swimmin'

The Tub

Bart taking it up a notch by attempting a dive

The plunge

What a dive!

Oh dear, he is in too deep

Alarmingly lifeless in the tub

Lifeguard doing CPR on Bart

Please, do not be alarmed, my friends. I am happy to report that Bart is currently recuperating well from the events of the day. It will definitely be some time before he attempts any other water related sports.


Anonymous said…
wacko la u
cath said… so happy u're updating your blog regularly again. this was damn funny! a wee bit psycho but funny!
mEeRa said…
takes one to know one rach molu!

thanks comrade cathy :)

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