Whoa ... I can't believe my last post was in 2006! A lot has happened since, some pleasant and well some downright nasty. I have finally passed my Computer Networks. Take that Mr. Sloppy Sadistic Lecturer! Ka-Pow! I got a job too, surprisingly, considering I just went for the interview dressed in a kurtha top and army pants, not forgetting the flip flops. What can I say... they must have been desperate to hire people! The job has been challenging so far but thoroughly interesting, so I can't really complain. Who would have thought that being a computer programmer can be addictive. Yes I am a workaholic.
I have grown much in the relationship side of things as well. One important lesson learnt; people are highly unpredictable and as for loyalty and honour, the definition truly defers according to individuals and situations. I think its wise to keep your opinions of others only between you and God. Trust is a fragile thing. Once broken, you can never gain it back. As for respect, it is given and not earned, contrary to popular belief. I mean if you need to earn respect, gosh nobody deserves it then because let's face it, nobody is perfect enough to be set as the plumbline. Nope, I'd rather believe that respect is given very much like love.
I have grown much in the relationship side of things as well. One important lesson learnt; people are highly unpredictable and as for loyalty and honour, the definition truly defers according to individuals and situations. I think its wise to keep your opinions of others only between you and God. Trust is a fragile thing. Once broken, you can never gain it back. As for respect, it is given and not earned, contrary to popular belief. I mean if you need to earn respect, gosh nobody deserves it then because let's face it, nobody is perfect enough to be set as the plumbline. Nope, I'd rather believe that respect is given very much like love.
LOL...i sense another phase here..
i know u've been thru alot...im always here to listen dude...i got your back!!!
back to hibernation mode arr???
-rach molu