Well, I was doing my report (I started at around 3 p.m. and was still doing it until around 10 p.m.) today when I was interuppted by my roomate.
"Hey it seems there are gonna have a spotcheck!"
As soon as the words left her mouth, my mind started kicking into action. Off the computer, put everything into the cupboard, lock it and then go have a shower. Yea, wait it out in the toilet. The perfect plan. But wait! Don't get too excited ... confirm with someone if it is for real.
So, I called my friend who was in another wing and asked her to contact me if anyone comes over to her room for a spotcheck. In the meantime, I started gathering my bathroom gears. As I was about to leave, I got a phone call. Yes, there is a spotcheck going on. Someone just came over to her room and did the routine search. Great! By the time I took my bath and washed my clothes, they would have already passed by my room.
When I returned from my refreshing shower, I was informed that nothing happened. Can you believe that?! All that preparation for nothing. It was 11 something and very unlikely for them to continue with the spotcheck. There might be a possibilty of one tomorrow. I definately don't plan on staying in the room.
Off to the library!
"Hey it seems there are gonna have a spotcheck!"
As soon as the words left her mouth, my mind started kicking into action. Off the computer, put everything into the cupboard, lock it and then go have a shower. Yea, wait it out in the toilet. The perfect plan. But wait! Don't get too excited ... confirm with someone if it is for real.
So, I called my friend who was in another wing and asked her to contact me if anyone comes over to her room for a spotcheck. In the meantime, I started gathering my bathroom gears. As I was about to leave, I got a phone call. Yes, there is a spotcheck going on. Someone just came over to her room and did the routine search. Great! By the time I took my bath and washed my clothes, they would have already passed by my room.
When I returned from my refreshing shower, I was informed that nothing happened. Can you believe that?! All that preparation for nothing. It was 11 something and very unlikely for them to continue with the spotcheck. There might be a possibilty of one tomorrow. I definately don't plan on staying in the room.
Off to the library!