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Lu Cha

I bought a box of green tea from Carrefour yesterday. Just thought I'll try it out, after hearing so many good stories about it. I am typically a coffee person but lately I've been getting rather bored with it. So I decided to try tea instead.

So far, there are 3 types of teas that I know of i.e. black tea, green tea and red tea (I beg to differ). The differences between these teas are their processing methods. Green tea are not fermented and the least processed as they are simply steamed quickly. Black and red teas on the other hand are partially crushed, dried and fermented. The color of these teas as they are soaked in boiling water, are as their names suggest.

There are of course a variety of teas under each of these genres. The classifications of the names of these teas usually reflect the region of their origin or even based the texture, body and taste of the tea. For example, Nilgiri, Assam and Darjeeling are types of black teas from India. Dian Hong is a type of black tea from China, the Yunnan Province to be precise. There are also blended teas, tea mixed with other plants to achieve a certain flavour or smell. A fine example would be Earl Grey, named after believe or not, the 2nd Earl Grey (whoever that may be).

Why green tea? Well, I have tried black tea all my life and red tea is third on the list. Anyway, there are also some interesting benefits in green tea, with it not being fermented and stuff. Yea, according to researches done, green tea is noted as a powerful antioxidant that reduces the level of free radicals causing cell damage. It is also helps in weight loss, effectively lowers cholesterol, blocks cancer and is a chum in preventing cavities and tooth decay.

The art of tea drinking is so complex and yet I really feel it can be quite enjoyable. From the way it prepared to the type of tea used, every single detail affects the way the tea taste. Unfortunately, I believe this tradition is dying out in the Chinese community here especially among the younger generation. If I had a grandfather to teach me this, I'd gladly jump to the opportunity. I'll even bring my own teapot! This is a hobby that’s going to last me a lifetime and it seems affordable so far.


cath said…
Speaking of dad just bought loads from now we carry a jar of tea leaves around whenever we go for makan..
and the whole tea pouring thingy is not so simple k...
mEeRa said…
teach meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee la!
cath said…
comela..after finals..we go for Klang Bak Kut Teh...then i shall show u the basic stuff k ;)
chris said…
BKT to teach someone how to pour tea? now that's one i haven't heard before!

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