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The Final Chapter.

So, this is it ... my final semester.

To commemorate these last remaining days of my University life, I have decided to start this blog. Why now? Well, that's possibly due to my uncontainable joy at the prospect of finally leaving University and moving on with life. *Please God, help me avoid any major screw-ups that would detain me for even a month longer here.

And yes, you may freely express your opinions but please do so civilly.


cath said…
welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!!!!
i've added you to my list of blog links!
mEeRa said…
thanks ol' pal!
bijuneYYan said…
Well, thats a good news..
1. you started a blog
2. This is your final sem in coll

you know, I'm in my final month in coll, that too after loooooooooooooooooong six years!! for a 5yr long course!
I got some back papers..?? NAH!!! never!!

The university was such a mess that
they were to lazy and lagged the course for one more montth!!!

and you know We are still struggling within the campus walls to get out.. while our batch mates from other colls are into their offices!!

Dear.. hope this wont happen to you..

and IF your worst fear of lagging you course for one month happens to be real... just think of me and you'll be happy

ha ha

bijuneYYan said…
line 12: it's not to it's too

line 13: it's not one month it's one year

thats it!
mEeRa said…
dude... your uni sounds really depressing. Six years?! How did you manage? Well ... you are in the final month now right .. so don't worry ... just hang in there!

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