Test 2 – 15%
Project – 10%
Final Exam – 60%
I did moderately well for the first test but I flunked the second one. As for the project, I had this sadistic lecturer who failed me without any valid reason. I tried to reason with him but it was pointless. I was so fed up as he would not even listen to any sound reason. How am I to plead my case if I am not even given a chance defend myself or make my point audible? He was so sloppy while marking the project and just rushed off to the next person without even properly ending the current presentation. It was all so confusing as nobody knew if their project was accepted or rejected. My presentation was on the last day, so you could very well imagine the chaos.
Test 2 – 20%
Final Exam – 60%
Test 2 – 15%
Project – 10%
Final Exam – 60%
The session I registered
Believe me; I would have gladly changed my lecture section if I knew that he was going to be my lecturer. It is too late now as it is the third week and I have other subjects to be worried about as well. If only they posted this earlier. AH CRAP!