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A promising year indeed.

Dear readers,

I must apologize for my tardiness. It is already the middle of 2009 and today is my first post for the year! Well, if you must know it has been a very eventful year with restorations of faith, hope and dreams. A very promising year indeed!

But alas, I am 26 today and quite frankly, I'd rather spend the day in solitude, not because I am a recluse but rather to avoid any further mishaps. Truly, I never imagined that birthdays could be so eventful.

2006 - I got hit by a car at the zebra crossing in front of the Masjid Jamek LRT station. Miraculously, I only suffered a concussion and some minor bruises. The car however sustained some major injuries mainly a shattered windshield and a bent bonnet. I seriously thought I was going to die and just imagine, all that trouble, for a double swiss mushroom burger from Burger King. Anyway, it was then that I realized that only God has the power to give or take away my life. It was a mind blowing revelation. I also thanked God for my heavy bones and hard cranium.

2007 - I just stayed at home, to be sure that getting hit by a car was not going to become an annual event.

2008 - Lang Tengah trip with an old school mate, Jadey. It was our first road trip together. Needless to say, we ate and drank like true islanders and blazed through precarious jungle trails with an annoying little guide. Oh, and of course, I almost drowned during one of the snorkeling trip. After that, we went down to Kuantan and met up with another old pal, Joan.  

Lang Tengah 2008

2009 - My second last day at work. This marks the beginning of my journey as a freelancer. I have come to this point in life where I am ready to undertake hard work and perseverance in doing something I enjoy immensely. But above all, I am ready to walk in faith and to trust God to guide and provide me all that I need. And He has blessed me too, with friends and family, whose warm hearts and honesty, I treasure dearly. 

You only get one chance at life and I determined to make sure that I live mine to the fullest.


Anonymous said…
lets have a moment of silence for the beloved dorothy and those kids of hers (yes - i've forgotten their names :D)

mEeRa said…
tsk tsk ... it was Maximus II (Max Jr.) and Mayflower.

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