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Showing posts from 2009

Demise of a miserable vermin (part 2)

Dear readers, I am pleased to announce that the war has ended and we, the humans had the last victory. Yes, Richie La Rocha is DEAD. I was brushing my teeth at the kitchen sink when something fell on my hands and dropped into the sink. It was Richie squirming in agony, no doubt from an overdose of Mortien. My toostpaste filled shriek soon gathered my cousins to the kitchen. Ashi and I let out a tiny girlie scream, not because we were afraid of roaches but simply because we felt it the appropriate thing for a girl to do. Yea, we are drama queens. Please find enclosed the proof of Richie La Rocha’s demise.

Demise of a miserable vermin (part 1)

Dear readers, I imagine as you read the title of this entry, your eyes might have grown wider and your mind possibly conjured up images of kiasu colleagues, demanding bosses, the ticket lady at the train station with the constant PMS, the grouchy cab driver or even your neighbour’s aggressive Chihuahua . Please be warned that things are not as they seem. The miserable vermin that I speak of here is a cockroach. And yes, you might say, “But my boss is a cockroach!” and I am sure you have your reasons for such strong convictions. But nevertheless, I mean the creature with the six insecticide legs, the creepy glare and the dirty shade of dark brown plastic skin. My cousins and I have occasionally seen this particular pest strolling about on our kitchen counter. One cousin (Rina) even had the misfortune of seeing him do the backstroke in her cup of milo. I thought it was hilarious until of course, I caught him snacking on my sandwich. Nobody messes with my triple deck smoked chicken and ...

A promising year indeed.

Dear readers, I must apologize for my tardiness. It is already the middle of 2009 and today is my first post for the year! Well, if you must know it has been a very eventful year with restorations of faith, hope and dreams. A very promising year indeed! But alas, I am 26 today and quite frankly, I'd rather spend the day in solitude, not because I am a recluse but rather to avoid any further mishaps. Truly, I never imagined that birthdays could be so eventful. 2006 - I got hit by a car at the zebra crossing in front of the Masjid Jamek LRT station. Miraculously, I only suffered a concussion and some minor bruises. The car however sustained some major injuries mainly a shattered windshield and a bent bonnet. I seriously thought I was going to die and just imagine, all that trouble, for a double swiss mushroom burger from Burger King. Anyway, it was then that I realized that only God has the power to give or take away my life. It was a mind blowing revelation. I also thanked God ...