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Showing posts from November, 2008


Dear readers, Ever had one of those days when you just feel like crap? Well, today is such a day for me. I woke up moderately early and prepared to go to work. After donning on my work attire, I just sat on my bed and zoned out for 5 minutes. I imagined having difficulty in breathing and a myriad of other tropical diseases. It's amazing what the power of your mind can do to your body. The next minute, I messaged my team lead and told her that I won't be coming in as I was not feeling well. There was not much to do at work anyway! I then spent the day sleeping. I was exhausted for pete's sake! I woke up at 1, made lunch and idly passed the time reading a book. At around 5, my cousin came back and asked if I would like to follow her to watch "The Showdown of Champions" in Bukit Jalil Stadium. Hell yea!! We got dressed and headed to Masjid Jamek by 5 p.m to avoid the "working crowd" rush. We then waited for another hardworking cousin who needless to say, go...

Lecka Lecka

Dear readers, If you have tasted the mango yoghurt ice cream in Mango Mania and thought it was good, well, I have news for you: go out and explore dude! Yes, there is a better one. Where? Lecka leckha of course! Price: only RM6.90. It taste like real mango and I am not freaking kidding or exaggerating. They probably took a mango, pureed it and then froze it. Simply awesome! :D Their sorbet comes in a variety of flavor, some yummy ones being passion fruit, watermelon, strawberry, lime and of course mango. They also have other sinful flavors like oreos, cookies n’ cream … well you get the drift. (clockwise from the right) Watermelon, Passion Fruit, Mango Satisfied patron Another satisfied patron slightly whoozie from the shisa smoke

Artsy Wartsy

Dear readers, I must beg your pardon. This might be a sight of me that you have never seen. I was taken by a whim. Yes, I was overwhelmed by a sudden urge to draw that I offered to help my cousin design a birthday card for her friend. FOR FREE!! I must have been struck with temporary insanity. Front Inside Ah boy, I sure miss drawing! But I need a project ... hmmm ...