Whoa ... I can't believe my last post was in 2006! A lot has happened since, some pleasant and well some downright nasty. I have finally passed my Computer Networks. Take that Mr. Sloppy Sadistic Lecturer! Ka -Pow! I got a job too, surprisingly, considering I just went for the interview dressed in a kurtha top and army pants, not forgetting the flip flops. What can I say... they must have been desperate to hire people! The job has been challenging so far but thoroughly interesting, so I can't really complain. Who would have thought that being a computer programmer can be addictive. Yes I am a workaholic. I have grown much in the relationship side of things as well. One important lesson learnt; people are highly unpredictable and as for loyalty and honour, the definition truly defers according to individuals and situations. I think its wise to keep your opinions of others only between you and God. Trust is a fragile thing. Once broken, you can never gain it back. As for resp...
The life and times of an idle scribbler.