It is the College Festival in campus this week and the guest of honor is the Cyberjaya Fire Department. They had a demonstation yesterday afternoon, in front of some makeshift stalls.
I must say, that they have no clue as to how to appeal to the crowd. All they had in their act was some dogs that helped sniff some people out as well as find some hidden items. I admit that the dogs were cute but I always had the impression that these work dogs are usually fierce and move only when commanded. The dogs I saw looked more like obedient house pets, playfully running around, with their tails wagging (almost comparable to the speed a rattle snake's tail, prior to an attack). Their next act (and the final one) was setting a pile of wood on fire and then extinguishing it. Quite lame if you ask me. I can pretty much do that in my backyard (if I had one) with some dry leaves and twigs.
Personally, I felt that they could have won the favour of all present by pulling off a partially dangerous stunt. Yea, that's right! By setting a man on fire and then demonstating the method to put out that fire. Realistic and practical! That is something you might want to know how to do in the future compared to putting out a bonfire. Any dummy can put out a bonfire but if he is an idiot, he might end up setting himself on fire. That is exactly when that demonstation comes in handy.
Anyway, I hope that they come up with something better tomorrow. At least I can have some quality entertainment while I enjoy my grean peas porridge.
I must say, that they have no clue as to how to appeal to the crowd. All they had in their act was some dogs that helped sniff some people out as well as find some hidden items. I admit that the dogs were cute but I always had the impression that these work dogs are usually fierce and move only when commanded. The dogs I saw looked more like obedient house pets, playfully running around, with their tails wagging (almost comparable to the speed a rattle snake's tail, prior to an attack). Their next act (and the final one) was setting a pile of wood on fire and then extinguishing it. Quite lame if you ask me. I can pretty much do that in my backyard (if I had one) with some dry leaves and twigs.
Personally, I felt that they could have won the favour of all present by pulling off a partially dangerous stunt. Yea, that's right! By setting a man on fire and then demonstating the method to put out that fire. Realistic and practical! That is something you might want to know how to do in the future compared to putting out a bonfire. Any dummy can put out a bonfire but if he is an idiot, he might end up setting himself on fire. That is exactly when that demonstation comes in handy.
Anyway, I hope that they come up with something better tomorrow. At least I can have some quality entertainment while I enjoy my grean peas porridge.