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Showing posts from March, 2006

Hello Goodbye

I woke up at around 2 p.m. on Monday, feeling rather awful, having slept through my Multimedia Marketing class. It was a rejuvenating slumber though. Anyway, at around 6 in the evening, there was a knock on my room door. I was terrified! Can it be ... the long awaited hostel spot check? Maybe it is the warden, coming to warn me about the complaints she got of somebody singing "We are the champions" late into the night? How did they know it was me? I was about to open the door when I heard the key being inserted from the other side. The door opened to reveal .... MY NEW ROOMATE!!! I was shocked and she was stunned. After a moment of awkward silence, we regained our composure and introduced each other. I explained that it would be impossible for us to take in a third roomate because, as it is with just the 2 of us, the room is already congested. A third would be a catastrophe! A little bit dramatic perhaps but you would understand if you see my room. After listening to her s...

Heart Broken

My heart is bleeding. My external hard drive is not working! Gone the 9.2 GB of mp3s, project backups and not to forget, other vital documents. Funny isn't it, that hard drive was suppose to be my backup! Argh! What happened? Well, I had this "window file delayed" ballon on my system tray. So I took out the USB cable and connected it back. That's when things went absolute cuckoo. I saw the blue screen of death! Then suddenly, that awful message "dumping physical memory .... 10%". The number kept increasing and I freaked. So I restarted my laptop again but that was probably not the best thing to do, because now it is not even reading it! WHY?!!!! I have never been so heart broken before! Oh yea, okay, I felt the same when I lost my 128 MB mp3 player+pen drive+FM radio with a 256 MB SD card inside. The loss of appetite, the intense depression .... Well, I am going to watch 'Harold & Kumar Go To The White Castle'. Hopefully that would take my mind o...

Fire Demonstration

It is the College Festival in campus this week and the guest of honor is the Cyberjaya Fire Department. They had a demonstation yesterday afternoon, in front of some makeshift stalls. I must say, that they have no clue as to how to appeal to the crowd. All they had in their act was some dogs that helped sniff some people out as well as find some hidden items. I admit that the dogs were cute but I always had the impression that these work dogs are usually fierce and move only when commanded. The dogs I saw looked more like obedient house pets, playfully running around, with their tails wagging (almost comparable to the speed a rattle snake's tail, prior to an attack). Their next act (and the final one) was setting a pile of wood on fire and then extinguishing it. Quite lame if you ask me. I can pretty much do that in my backyard (if I had one) with some dry leaves and twigs. Personally, I felt that they could have won the favour of all present by pulling off a partially dangerous st...